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Systematic Reviews

Publishing your systematic review

Choose a journal

When publishing a Systematic Review manuscript, you might aim at achieving high impact among your target audience. In other words, your manuscript deserves to be read and cited by others. This will denote the importance, societal- and/or scientific relevance of your work. Potentially this could boost bibliometric evaluation scores and open possibilities for future funding of research.

In order to maximize impact exposure to published research is key. Therefore consider:

Consider Why Useful sources
Publish Open Access

Research behind a pay wall is harder to read and cite. Use the VU Journal browser for possibilities and costs 

VU journal browser 

Publish a preprint version A preprint is a version of the manuscript posted on a public server prior to formal peer review. This might draw attention to your manuscript before it is officially published.

Examples of preprint servers:

Open Peer Review Enable your peers to comment and/or contribute to your manuscript prior to official publication.

Read more:
What is Open Peer Review

eLife Peer Review

Database Indexing Not all journals are covered by the major biomedical bibliographic database. Inquire at the intended journal whether or not it is indexed in PubMed, the largest free available database. e.g. Indexing info in Systematic Journals
Journal Impact Factor (IF) The IF is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field. Not every journal has an IF. 

Check the IF: Journal Citation Reports (licensed)

Wat is an Impact Factor (Wikipedia)

Predatory journals

"Predatory publishers or journals are those which charge authors a fee for publication with no intention of providing the expected services – such as editorial or peer review – in return.

Charging a fee is a legitimate business model, but the publisher should be providing a good publishing service in return.  Authors, realising that they have submitted their paper to a questionable publisher, can find they are charged a large fee if they want to withdraw their article."  (Source: ThinkCheckSubmit)


Read more: 
Predatory and Questionable Publishing Practices: How to Recognise and Avoid Them 


Cross Linking

To enable verification and/or replication of research results as represented in a publication, cross linking to underlying and/or accompanying data is needed.
This can be established by the following complementary methods:

Publishing Ethics & Rights

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) provides information on all ethical issues regarding publishing. It addresses a.o. authorship, conflicts of interest and intellectual property.
For more detailed information on open sharing licenses, see Creative Commons,