You have given diligent thought to your search strategy and its execution. Generally speaking, though, that’s not the end of the road. Take a good look at your search results and adjust your search parameters: add search terms to your building blocks, adjust the building blocks, add filters or remove them. Take another good look at your research question. Will you be able to use the articles you’ve found to answer your question satisfactorily? Also, take another good look at your building blocks. Are your Boolean operators and brackets constructed properly? Have you proofread for typos? Ask yourself the following questions:
A search will always produce some irrelevant articles (noise). If you find that you have far too many irrelevant results,
Retrieving key articles is a convenient way to see if your search has produced reliable results. Use an author search or PMID (the unique PubMed number for each article) to find the article and combine this with your end set using the Boolean operator AND in the Advanced Search Builder.
If the results do not contain the article, check the keywords in the title and abstract and compare these to your building blocks. Also check the article’s associated MeSH terms.