This LibGuide is being phased out and the information in it is no longer up to date. The new RDM Handbook is now available at
Some research projects involve more than one partner organisation. Be sure to indicate exactly who is responsible for collecting and managing the data in each case, where, and how. If more than one organisation is involved, it may also be necessary to create a Consortium Agreement. Depending on the area or sector of each project and of the degree of technical complexity that is involved, the Consortium Agreement usually contains the following information:
The agreement can include a section on who is ultimately responsible for the data and whether the data will be shared afterwards or whether certain restrictions on re-use apply. These restrictions can also be related to copyright issues or pending patent requests. IXA can help you to draw up a consortium agreement. The RDM Support Desk at the University Library can also help with questions about legal matters.
If you are working with personal data, GDPR requires that all parties working with the data sign a joint controller agreement. You can ask your Privacy Champion for advice about this. For multi-centre clinical research, a Clinical Trial Agreement is recommended.
For projects funded by the European Union, several sources are available: