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Research Data Management

Make informed choices for research data. RDM, policy, practical guidelines, software and tools at VU Amsterdam. FAIR data, archiving, storage, publication

In this section

There are several pages in this section:

Research Proposal: what aspects of RDM are relevant for your research proposal and grant application?

RDM Costs: how do you estimate and budget for the costs associated with RDM?

RDM Requirements: what requirements of RDM are set by different parties, such as a funder or a research partner?

Collaboration: what do you need to consider for RDM if you are part of a research consortium?

Data Security: what elements are important to consider when you want to make sure your data are secure?

GDPR & Privacy: what are the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation to protect privacy in research, and how do you comply with those requirements?

Data Management Plan: what is a Data Management Plan and how do you write one?

Policies and Regulations: an overview of several relevant policies at the VU and in the Netherlands.