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Research Data Management

Make informed choices for research data. RDM, policy, practical guidelines, software and tools at VU Amsterdam. FAIR data, archiving, storage, publication

Research Data Services

Image Scheme VU Research Data Support Officesgrants library legal security it ixaResearch Data Management is supported by various departments at the VU. These departments will help all VU researchers. There are also faculty specific support departments for research data support; they support their own faculty members.

Here you find references to other organisational units and departments that can help you with matters related to collecting and managing data.

VU research data support (for all researchers)

General Faculty research support and management guidelines are available in the section Policies & Regulations.

This LibGuide

Questions regarding your data or the information on this website?

The RDS Support team can help you with all your question on data management plan, data archiving, data store or data privacy & security.


The RDS Helpdesk provides information about Research Data Management through the page Research Support on VUweb.

VU IT for Research

The VU has an IT team specifically devoted to research: ITvO (from 'IT voor Onderzoek' in Dutch). They provide the following services:

  • Bazis HPC cluster computing: access to your own linux computational cluster at the VU
  • SciCloud: a service with which you lease virtual server capacity for research purposes
  • SciStor: inexpensively store large sets with research data
  • Advice/consultancy: ITvO will help you to find a suitable technical solution or support for your research group or project
  • Housing: rack space in the server room for (remotely managed) equipment of research groups

Read more about and get in touch with IT for Research

External sources

RDM Training

The VU Library offers Workshops on writing a DMP, which are offered separately for each faculty. These workshops are also announced via the Library Calendar, where you can register. Questions about these workshops may be directed to the RDM Support Desk


SURF is the collaborative organisation for ICT in Dutch education and research. SURF offers advanced ICT services specifically for researchers. You can start using some of these services right away with your VU credentials. For others you have to get in touch with SURF yourself. Please check SURF's website and the pages about the specific services below for more information.

SURF's services are listed on this page.

Data services

SURF offers a wide range of services for different phases in the life cycle of your research data. Everything for the secure storage, management, sharing and reuse of data.

Research Drive SURFfilesender SURFdrive Data Archive Data Ingest Service Data Persistent Identifier

Data processing and analysis (see also 'Computing')

Jupyter Notebook


Do you encounter limitations with your own systems? SURF offers researchers a wide range of services in the field of high performance computing (HPC): thousands of times faster than your PC.

Cartesius: National Supercomputer Lisa Compute Cluster HPC Cloud Grid Visualisation Collaboratorium

Expertise, advice and training

SURF offers advice and training on their services. Their training sessions are announced in the SURF Agenda.

SURF training SURF consultancy