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University Library

Social Sciences - Research Skills - Intermediate

In this course you will learn how to determine your need for information; find information effectively and efficiently; check information carefully; process and save information.

What sources of information are relevant to my search?

With a list of keywords and related terms, you can now search a range of sources. But where should you begin? Think about the types of information you are looking for. For example: news or statistical data.

The nature of the search query often dictates the type of information you need. Once you know what that is, you can find out what source(s) of information you require.

Information type Information source
Current information Newspapers, newsletters
Overview of a topic Textbooks, handbooks
Background information Encyclopedia, yearbooks
Scientific information Scientific journals, textbooks
Research results Reports
Theoretical work Textbooks, scientific journals
Legal information Legal database
Statistics Statistical publications, databases
Company information Databases, annual reports
Geographical information Google maps, Google Earth, GeoPlaza