Some tips on how to search more quickly and efficiently with Google:
- Never search with just one keyword, try always to make combinations of words to narrow your search.
- Use Boolean operators or Google Advanced Search to specify your search query.
- Use quotation marks when you want to find an exact phrase or a set of words together.
Examples: “faculty of Social Sciences” or “internet explorer”
- Use the document extension (pdf, doc, xls, flash) in your search query to find specific document types. Example: annual report Unesco filetype:pdf
- Use a specific website address to find information from a specific website: “site:[fill web address]”
Example: you want to find the course timetables of the faculty of Social Sciences. Type: timetables social sciences
- Use a minus (-) sign to exclude a word from your search results.
Example: jaguar -car
- More tips ons Google support: link