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Social Sciences - Research Skills - Intermediate

In this course you will learn how to determine your need for information; find information effectively and efficiently; check information carefully; process and save information.


Whenever you make use of somebody else's work, you must credit the source. Two factors are crucial:

  • In the actual text of your paper, you indicate what information is drawn from what source.
  • You provide complete references for every source you use.

There are a number of referencing systems: author and year in the text; footnotes or endnotes; and/or sequential numbering. Within each of these there are different styles stating exactly how to present your references. Ask your tutor which system or style you should use.

Report the information in your own words (paraphrase or summarize)

In most cases.


  • Irrelevant information may be omitted from a summary as long as you do not distort the meaning of the original.
  • Make it clear where your paraphrasing or summary begins and ends.
  • State which source is being paraphrased or summarized.
Quote the source verbatim.

In exceptional cases.

  • ​When you want to analyse the original formulation.
  • When the original wording is exceptionally clear, effective or vivid.


  • Reproduce the quote exactly.
  • Use the original language, plus translation if necessary.
  • Retain the intent of the original.
  • Make it clear where the quote begins and ends.
  • State where every quote you use is taken from.

Plagiarism is the presentation of other people's writings, ideas or arguments as your own work. Plagiarism is regarded as fraud and taken very seriously in the academic world. To avoid committing it, make sure that you carefully cite every source you use and include enough ideas of your own in your work.


Working with fellow students without reporting it may also be regarded by your tutor as plagiarism. If you are in any doubt as to whether co-operation is permitted, ask your tutor.

It is quite probable that your course has its own specific rules for the style of literature references to be used in essays, reports and dissertations. Ask your tutor about this. No matter what style you use, always be consistent!

Recording details
Train yourself to record all the details you need as you are doing your literature research, so that you have them at hand when you come to write your references. This saves you to retrace your source to find the information again at the end of the assignment.