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Manage your publications in Pure

This guide will assist you on adding and enriching your publications in Pure

Workflow status

The workflow status in Pure relates to the validation process by the local Pure administrator of a department or faculty. This validation is required for reporting on research output listed in Pure.

Scroll down to Publication managed by to find out which is the Managing organisational unit responsible for validating your publication. If you have a co-author in a different faculty or department, your publication may have ended up in the workflow of that unit.


You can set the workflow status of a new entry at the bottom of the publication record:


Workflow steps explained:


Entry in progress

The publication has not yet been accepted for publication OR you haven't finished entering the publication data.

Publications with status Entry in progress are not shown on the VU Research Portal.

For validation

This will forward the entry into the validation workflow of your local Pure administrator.

The publication will be shown on the VU Research Portal if the other criteria for portal visibility are met as well.


Your entry has been approved by your local Pure administrator for inclusion in research reporting.

Independently the University Library will do a check of the bibliographical metadata which is not reflected in the workflow status.

For re-validation

If a record is validated you can still change most of the publication metadata. 

The record will then re-appear in the workflow of your local Pure administrator with status For re-validation.