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University Library

Pure - Publications

This guide will assist you on adding and enriching your publications in Pure

Upload the full-text document of a publication

Pure and the VU Research Portal function as digital repository for publications of the Vrije Universiteit. As such you can use Pure to archive the full-text document of your publication and choose to publish it online in Green Open Access.


The University Library supports all VU researchers who want to make their publications accessible in the VU Research Portal. 

Read all about it on the You share, we take care! project page.


Add a full-text document to Pure yourself by following these steps:

Step 1

Go to Research outputs and open the publication record:

Step 2

Scroll down to Electronic version(s), and related files and links and click Add electronic version (file, DOI or link)

Often a DOI-link to the publisher's version will already be provided.

In the pop-up that opens: choose Upload an electronic version.

Step 3

Upload the file and set Document version, Access status and License:

CC licenses should nót be used for file uploads (only for DOIs)

Use Article 25fa Dutch Copyright Act if your publication is eligible for You share, we take care!.

Step 4

Your file has been added.

Don't forget to Save the publication record: