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Pure - Publications

This guide will assist you on adding and enriching your publications in Pure

Visibility status

Scroll down to Visibility in the bottom part of the publication record to set the portal visibility of your publication:


Visibility statuses explained:



Publication is shown online in the VU Research Portal if the other visibility criteria are met as well.


Publication is shown in the VU Research Portal, but only for visitors from within the VU campus.


Publication is not shown online, but is visible to all that have access to the Pure-VU backend (researchers and administrators)


Publication is not shown online and is only visible in the Pure backend for Pure-administrators authorized for your department or faculty.


Please be aware that if you change the visibility status of a publication, this will also affect the online profiles of your VU co-authors.

Criteria for portal visibility

Next to the visibility status, the following status criteria should be met, for a publication to become visible in the VU Research Portal:


publication status

status visible?
In preparation  NO
Submitted  NO
Accepted / In Press YES
E-pub ahead of print YES
Published YES
Unpublished YES


workflow status

status visible?
Entry in progress NO
For validation YES
Validated YES
For re-validation YES