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Pure - Publications

This guide will assist you on adding and enriching your publications in Pure

Add publications from online sources to Pure

A. Select an online source
  1. Click the green Add content button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Choose Import from online source under Research output.
  3. Select the source of your choice.​undefined
B. Set your search criteria

Each import source has it's own set of search fields. If possible, use a publication ID (DOI / ISBN) or author ID (ORCID / ScopusID) to get the most accurate results.

NOTE: Add your Scopus Author ID to your profile before importing publications from Scopus - see:  Manage your personal profile in Pure


C. Process your Search results

Click the Import button to add a publication to Pure.



  • not your publication

click Remove from Search List (Pure will remember this and will not show the publication again)

  • publication flagged with a yellow bar:

Pure already holds a publication record with the same Scopus or PubMed ID.

If it's not listed in your profile, click view the publication to open and claim this publication.

  • publication flagged with a red bar

Pure already has a publication record with a similar title: click view potential duplicate

If it is the same publication and it's not in your profile: claim this publication.

If it is not the same publication: click the Import button to add it to Pure.


D. Import and review your publication

Pure will first show which authors and organizations have been matched to records in Pure.

You can tell Pure which matches are incorrect or choose the correct one in case of multiple matches.


Import and Review will take you to the publication record where you can review and correct the publication metadata before you Save.


Most error prone is the process of matching of authors and affiliations to person and organization records in Pure.

The guidance section on Contributors and affiliations in this LibGuide explains how to correct those errors.