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Pure - Personal Profile

This guide will help you update your personal profile page in the VU Research Portal

Create a new project in Pure

Choose template and type

  1. Click the green Add Content button
  2. Choose Projects
  3. Select the type of project


Enter the project metadata

(fields marked with a red asterisk* are mandatory)

Some notes:
  • When you enter an acronym, it will be shown before the title in the VU Research Portal list view:

  • When you enter a project form a previous appointment:
  1. toggle off internal VU-affiliations.
  2. add the internal organisation "non-VU*"
  3. add the external organisation where project took place.

  • Make sure to add related publications and other content to your project:


Set visibility and workflow status

If you have finalized the entry of your project in Pure and want show it online:

  • Set the visibilty status to "Public - No restriction".
  • Set the workflow status to "For approval".


Your project will appear online in the VU Research Portal once it has been approved by the Pure administrator of your department or faculty.