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University Library

Pure - Personal Profile

This guide will help you update your personal profile page in the VU Research Portal

Get started editing

Click the down arrow next to Personal in the top menu bar and choose Editable under Courses

In the list of courses: click on the course you want to edit to open the course editor window:

You will not be able to edit metadata fields as title and descriptions if a course was sourced in from the Student Information System. This is to prevent data from being overwritten by a next synchronisation. Please contact Pure Support Team if information should be updated on short notice.

Edit persons and organisations

You can either be directly related to a course as developer or you can be related as a teacher in one or more of the occurences of the course. If a course was imported from the Student Information System you will have been added as developer if you were listed as the course coordinator.

Developer section
Add a new developer using Add person.
Organisations in this section section correspond to the affiliations of the related developers - you can remove an organisational unit with the minus-sign or add a new one via Add organisational unit.
An occurrence is equal to teaching a course during a specific period.
Click the Edit button next to the occurence to start editing.
In the editor window you can add lecturers and you can add or delete organisational units.


Keywords and Visibility

Keyword section

In this section you can add some additional labels:

  • Study type: Bachelor / Master / etc.
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

If you want to hide a course from your online profile you can change the visibility status to back-end.

Please be aware that the course will then also disappear from the profiles of your colleagues.