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University Library

Pure - Personal Profile

This guide will help you update your personal profile page in the VU Research Portal


This section explains how you can use Pure to manage your profile on the Scientist Pages on and 

The information shown here originates from Pure and most data can be updated in Pure as well. Some information is synchronized with the HR-system and has to be updated there.


There are two different views of your profile information in the Scientist Pages.

The colors indicate where the information should be updated: HR-system / Pure


1) your entry in the overview pages


2) your detailed profile page

Getting Started

If you are a member of the VU academic staff you will automatically have a personal user account in Pure.


Log on to Pure at - using your VUnetID.

Choose Edit profile to start editing your information in Pure.


This will open an Editor window in which you can make your changes.

Don't forget to Save before you exit the Editor window.