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Finding data

A guide to financial and socio-economic data such as Compustat, LSEG Workspace, SDC Platinum, WRDS, and CRSP

Audit Analytics

Access is provided through the WRDS platform. This platform can be accessed using a Day Pass. A video explaining the use of the Day Pass is available here.

Alternatively, the data can be accessed through the Audit Analytics website (IVES).


Audit Analytics provides different types of data related to auditing, for example auditing fees, auditor tenure and changes, and financial restatements. The data are available for public firms in Canada, the United States, and Europe. The database is divided in two specific parts:  Audit + Compliance (A+C), and Europe. A+C contains audit related data on public firms that are active in the US and Canada. The Europe part covers public firms active in Europe.

There are two ways to get access to the data: The IVES website, and the WRDS platform. Remarks on both platforms:

  • The IVES website is more intuitive where it concerns finding out what data is available
  • Through the IVES website it is possible to call up directly, full-text source documents. These are SEC filings, Annual Reports, etc.
  • Some data is available through the IVES website, and not through WRDS. For example: the Transparency reports in the Europe section.
  • The WRDS platform offers easier bulk downloads for many companies, and also for specific programs
  • Some variables are available in more than one part database in WRDS. It may be needed to check manuals or several part databases to find out which has which variables, however

Other information

Practical information on using this database is also available at the following blogs: